How School Management Software Can Increase Parental Engagement

When parents are actively engaged with your school, they’re less likely to switch schools and more likely to keep their child enrolled. School management software plays an important role in increasing parental engagement. By providing tools and features that enhance communication, transparency, and involvement, it’s easier than ever for parents to get involved in their student’s performance and therefore, maintain their child’s enrollment.


Here’s how school management software can enhance parental engagement.

4 Ways School Management Software Increases Parental Engagement

1. Parents Can Access a Secure Portal

School management software provides a type of parent portal, where they can easily and quickly log in and access their child’s academic details. From grades to attendance, assignments, and progress reports, parents can stay up-to-date with how their child is doing overall in school on a daily basis, without needing to schedule a teacher conference. This saves parents time while giving them peace of mind that if an issue arises, it can quickly be addressed.

Secure Portal

2. Parents Can Easily Communicate with Teachers

School management software provides parents with easy access to teachers – not only can they email, but they can also message teachers directly through the secure portal with the chat feature. The moment parents have a question about a recent assignment or their child’s grades, they can instantly message teachers and receive a timely response. This level of communication between parents and teachers creates a stronger partnership between parents and the school.

3. Parents Can Access Online Document Sharing

Teachers are able to share with parents important documents through the secure portal enabled by school management software. This can include newsletters, permission slips, progress reports, and more. It also eliminates the need for paper documentation, reducing the chance that parents will misplace the information and instead, keeps everything in one place that they can access from anywhere, anytime.

4. Parents Can Keep Track of Upcoming Events

Teachers can publish upcoming events in the school software portal, and keep busy parents updated about class activities, upcoming events, holidays, and other important dates. This ensures parents stay informed without overwhelming them with messages and emails. Additionally, parents can then plan their involvement around their schedules as needed, which can lead to increased parental engagement.

If your school needs to grow its level of parental engagement, school management software can be the solution. By providing a portal for parents to easily access academic information, grades, and other details, as well as providing them with access to a chat feature, parents are more likely to stay engaged with the school and build stronger relationships with teachers and staff.

Parent Track

ThinkWave School Management Software

ThinkWave provides cloud-based school management software for parents, teachers, and students. From digital gradebooks to chat features, custom report cards, an intuitive user-friendly interface, and much more, ThinkWave takes your school to the next level.

Learn more about the benefits provided and how it can help your school grow.


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